Huawei launched multiple new smartwatches including the Watch GT 5 and GT 5 Pro last year which helped the brand grab the top spot in global wrist-worn wearable shipments. Now, the Chinese tech company appears to be gearing up to add a new feature to its future wearables. A new patent from Huawei suggests that the company is exploring ways to add an optical fingerprint sensor in its smartwatches that supports multiple gestures and fingerprints.
Spotted by MySmartPrice, Huawei has reportedly filed a patent for a smartwatch with an in-display fingerprint sensor. The patent is said to hint that the entire display of the smartwatch could function as an in-display fingerprint sensor similar to what’s found on many Android smartphones.
3D Fingerprint Scanner Might Support Multiple Gestures
The images of the patent shared by the publication show that the fingerprint scanner can register a 360-degree imprint of the finger to enable it to perform different actions.
The 3D fingerprint scanner reportedly supports multiple gestures and performs multiple actions using each finger. For example, users can register their thumb to perform the back gesture, index finger to call, and middle finger to close. The fingerprint scanner could also allow users to control volume and display brightness through gestures. Users may also be able to place their finger on the sensor and twist it clockwise or anti-clockwise to increase or decrease the volume and brightness of the smartwatch.
Huawei has not revealed any details about the addition of in-display fingerprint sensors to its wearables. The company might use the patented technology just for testing and it is expected to change before the launch of the next iteration of wearables. If this advanced fingerprint scanner arrives on smartwatches, it would enhance the security and safety of personal data.