Sony’s Killzone franchise has been dormant for quite some time. Now, in a new interview, Killzone composer Joris de Man has joined the chorus of people who’d like to see it come back.
Speaking to VideoGamer for the PlayStation: The Concert Tour, de Man expressed a desire for Killzone’s past entries to return.
“I know that there have been petitions for it,” de Man said. “I think it’s [tricky] because, I can’t speak for Guerrilla or anything… I don’t know if it will ever happen. I hope it will because I think it is quite an iconic franchise, but I also think it kind of has to take into account kind of the sensitivites and the shift in, I guess, what people want because it is quite bleak in some ways.”
In what shape or form Killzone could return, though, is a bit flexible. De Man noted that a remastered collection could be more successful than a brand new entry, to start.
“I think [a] remastered one would be successful, I don’t know if a new game would be as much,” de Man said. “I don’t know if people have moved on from it and want something. I don’t know sometimes I get the sense that people want something a bit more casual, a bit more quick.”
The Killzone games are slower-paced, weightier shooters compared to the likes of Call of Duty. Killzone 2 in particular was infamous for its apparent input lag, which made it feel like it lacked responsiveness on PlayStation 3. In terms of visuals, tone, and atmosphere, the Killzone games are dark, depressing, muddy, and gritty.
In a recent interview with the Washington Post, it sounded like Sony-owned developer Guerrilla had collectively moved on from the Killzone franchise and was keeping its eyes on the Horizon.
Still, it’s been a little over a decade since the last entry in Killzone Shadow Fall, and the idea of a return for Killzone — or even one of Sony’s other PlayStation shooter franchises — is still tantalizing for some fans. Whether it ever happens or not, the hold-outs can know they’ve got at least one more person in their corner.
Eric is a freelance writer for IGN.