
  • Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance adds 40+ new demons, some of which may appear in Persona 6.
  • Demons from Vengeance, like Naamah and Glasya-Labolas, could fit Persona 6’s themes and setting.
  • Past demons like Mastema, Dagda, and Armaiti could have important roles in Persona 6’s personal stories.

As an enhanced edition of the original release, one of Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance‘s major selling points is the addition of many demons on top of its separate take on the game’s narrative. Through incorporating designs by different artists from across the franchise’s history, this title’s compendium of demons can feel like one of the most complete of Atlus’ catalog. While this company has several distinct branches of the greater IP, ideas from skill names to demon designs tend to be carried over throughout its SMT-based releases. With multiple of Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance‘s 40 plus new demons making their series debut, they now have the potential to appear among the roster of the next Persona entry.

While much of the franchise was built upon the foundation of Kazuma Kaneko’s iconic SMT designs in earlier games, many of which have carried over into the modern day, the series’ more recent years under Masayuki Doi have begun to be just as influential in their own right. The demons exclusive to the Vengeance update of SMT5 consist of a mix of Doi designs made for the game and several older picks who have been pulled out of obscurity while maintaining their classic appeal. Considering the spin-off series’ reputation for using Shin Megami Tensei‘s demons in its own format, Persona 6 might benefit from including at least a few of the options in Vengeance.


Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance Misses a Golden Opportunity for One Improvement

For all the positive enhancements Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance makes over the original, leaving one mechanic untouched feels like a misstep.

Brand-New Demons of Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance Who Could Fit into Persona 6

SMT5: Vengeance-Specific Demons

  • Naamah
  • Agrat bat Mahlat
  • Glasya-Labolas
  • Onyankopon
  • Anansi
  • Amabie

The themes and setting of Persona 6 aren’t directly confirmed, but speculation surrounding these areas has provided hints as to which new demon designs would best fit as future Personas and Shadows alike. It’s safe to say that an example like Nahobeeho is popular and fits into the Jack Frost variants rather well, but it’s also highly unlikely for such a specific design to ever make it outside SMT5. While the Qadistu were made for Vengeance, a polarizing design like Naamah’s explores mature concepts that might translate well into Persona 6‘s possible duality theme.

Glasya-Labolas’ SMT5: V iteration delves into its place in the lore of the Ars Goetia to create a memorable look that could pave the way for similar creations in Persona, while Amabie acts as a cute-but-creepy mascot figure who would easily fit into a city setting. Onyankopon and Anasi directly represent African mythology in an unprecedented manner, so not keeping them around in the future could feel like a step back from such expansion.

Fitting SMT5: Vengeance Demons with History Mostly Outside of Persona

Other Classic Demons in SMT5: Vengeance Perfect for Persona 6

  • Gremlin
  • Vouivre
  • Kresnik
  • Mastema
  • Peallaidh
  • Dagda
  • Nozuchi
  • Armaiti
  • Vritra
  • Turbo-Granny
  • Fenrir

Apart from the designs that were made specifically for Vengeance, there are many new demons that hail from past titles but weren’t in the base game of SMT5. The likes of Mastema and Dagda have played crucial roles in SMT: Strange Journey and Apocalypse, but their continued relevance proves they could easily have important roles in the more personal stories P6 is bound to have as well. Older fans might be familiar with examples like Armaiti and Vritra already being present back in Persona 2, but their lack of any appearances in the franchise since could make their future inclusion feel practically new.

Nozuchi may have made a single appearance in P4, but Gremlin, Kresnik, and Vouivre have never actually been in any mainline Persona release despite existing within SMT for years. With these designs in particular showcasing the uncanny cuteness, aloof coolness, and dark allure of many demon designs that the greater series has to offer, not incorporating them into the next Persona could ultimately be a waste following their return here.

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