
5 astounding cosmic discoveries made by NASA Hubble Space Telescope

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Know about these 5 unknown cosmic discoveries by NASA Hubble Space Telescope.

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Did you know? Cosmology studies the history of the universe and how our stars, galaxies, and planets, were formed. 

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It not only unveils the history and mysteries of the universe but also helps scientists to predict the future.

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Check out these 5 comic discoveries made by NASA Hubble Space Telescope.

Photo Credit: NASA

Hubble captured the Herbig–Haro object designated as  HH111 with newly formed stars expelling narrow jets.

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This Hubble image showcases a dwarf galaxy Henize 2-10 with a black hole which is igniting massive star formation.

Photo Credit: NASA

This space object is a young star known as IRAS 05506+2414 covered with thick gas and dust depicting a massive explosive event.

Photo Credit: NASA

This Hubble image captures supercluster Abell 901/902 with hundreds of galaxies. Studying the clusters helps astronomers map dark matter in space.

Photo Credit: NASA

This image showcases a massive galaxy cluster called WHL J24.3324-8.477 along with the brightest galaxy of the cluster.

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