
Shukrayaan-1 mission: ISRO gearing up for a journey to unveil the mysteries of "Evil" Venus

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Shukrayaan-1 mission will be ISRO's first mission to Venus, involving a spacecraft orbiting the planet to study its surface and atmosphere.

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After the success of the Chandrayaan-3 mission, ISRO is now focusing on the next lunar mission LUPEX which is dubbed as Chandrayaan-4 in collaboration with JAXA.

Photo Credit: NASA

Shukrayaan-1 misison aims to study the surface and atmosphere of Venus, often referred to as Earth's "Evil" twin, to understand its geological composition and potential for life. The conditions on Venus are totally opposite of Earth.

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While NASA doubts the existence of life on Venus' surface, scientists haven't ruled out the possibility of microbes in the upper atmosphere, where pressure conditions are more Earth-like.

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Progressing in Silence: While details like the launch date remain undisclosed, the Shukrayaan-1 mission seems to be progressing steadily.

Photo Credit: NASA

Building on Previous Missions: Recent missions to Venus include ESA's Venus Express, JAXA's Akatsuki, and NASA's Parker Solar Probe, which captured Venus' surface in visible light.

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The Shukrayaan-1 mission marks a significant milestone for India's space exploration program, showcasing its scientific capabilities and ambition.

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Shukrayaan-1 mission will contribute to our understanding of planets within our solar system and potentially paves the way for future missions to explore Venus further.

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A New Era of Space Discovery: The Shukrayaan-1 mission ignites excitement for future space exploration endeavors, pushing the boundaries of scientific knowledge and revealing the secrets of the cosmos.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

As the Shukrayaan-1 mission progresses, stay tuned for further updates and unveilings about this exciting venture into the Venusian realm.

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