
  • Gears of War: E-Day being a prequel gives it the chance to explore origins of iconic characters and weapons.
  • The Chainsaw lancer’s origins can be traced back to the character Kaliso, opening the door to his return if The Coalition wants to show the first use of a lancer.
  • RAAM’s role in the E-Day invasion is also interesting, as it allows for a potential cameo from him in the game.

The Coalition developers hinted at plotlines and characters that could appear in Gears of War: E-Day in a recent Windows Central article. Creative Director Matt Searcy and Brand Director Nicole Fawcette weren’t able to reveal explicit details about what players will see in E-Day’s campaign, but noted that players will bear witness to the origins of many series icons, tropes, and relationships. Some of these include hints towards the creation of the signature chainsaw lancer and an appearance from Locust High General RAAM. Both of these figures could provide immense story and gameplay potential in Gears of War: E-Day, alongside an appearance of another classic character: Tai Kaliso.


Gears of War: E-Day Could Use a Trio of Locust Type to be Truly Terrifying

With Gears of War: E-Day’s newfound emphasis on horror, The Coalition could use three classic Locust types to make the game truly terrifying.

The Origins of the Chainsaw Lancer

For most of Sera’s wars, especially the Pendulum Wars between the Coalition of Ordered Governments (COG) and the Union of Independent Republics (UIR), combat was fought with what would come to be known as the retro lancer. Unlike the chainsaw lancer, the retro lancer is equipped with a large, knife-sized bayonet designed to impale enemies after charging toward them. However, due to the Locusts’ thick skin and bones, the retro lancer proved inefficient in fighting the Locusts, especially in close quarter combat. Oftentimes, the retro lancer’s blades would bounce off of Locusts’ thick skin or snap off the rifle entirely. Despite these flaws, the retro lancer was used by many soldiers, civilians, and Locusts throughout the Locust War and beyond.

In the 2009 book Gears of War: Jacinto’s Remnant, the in-universe origins of the chainsaw lancer were first revealed. During the second battle of the COG city Jannermont, set one year after Emergence Day, Marcus Fenix, Dominic Santaigo, and Tai Kaliso attempted to rescue civilians from a Locust attack. A Locust tried to kill Fenix after his retro lancer jammed up but was quickly torn apart by Kaliso utilizing a nearby power saw. Inspired by the saw’s effectiveness against the Locust, Fenix would suggest upgrading the lancer to his father, Adam Fenix, and this would lead to the development of the lancer mark two, otherwise known as the chainsaw lancer. The chainsaw lancer would become the standard weapon for COG soldiers from then on.

A Tai Kaliso Cameo in E-Day

While Kaliso’s chainsaw lancer-inspiring act took place a year after Emergence Day, he could still make a brief appearance in Gears of War: E-Day. Kaliso, Fenix, and Santiago all fought together during the Pendulum Wars, so Kaliso could help bolster Fenix and Santiago’s developing friendship in E-Day. Fawcette did confirm that players would see how the chainsaw lancer was made in E-Day, so

The Coalition could retcon Kaliso’s rescue of Fenix with the power saw to occur in E-Day. Power saws could then become unique melee weapons seen only in E-Day. Furthermore, they could have the last battle of the game featuring the chainsaw lancer as an epic conclusion.

Despite canonically appearing over a year into the Locust War, chainsaw lancers can be seen in
Gears of War: Judgment
, which is set only two months after Emergence Day.

RAAM’s E-Day Carnage

General RAAM took part in the Locust invasion of the surface on Emergence Day, directly leading the First Battle of Jannermont. While he led the battle of Jannermont on the ground, he helped coordinate the entire invasion of COG and UIR nations worldwide. It’s estimated that 25% of all humans on Sera were killed on E-Day alone. Players may recognize RAAm for his use of flying kryll creatures to destroy his foes, but canonically RAAM didn’t begin using kryll this way till many years into the war. Instead, RAAM utilized his giant serrated sword to impale and lift COG soldiers into the air or his handheld troika heavy machine gun to instantaneously shred foes into pieces.

While it’s still unknown which city serves as the setting of E-Day, RAAM could appear in the game if it’s set in Jannermont. Seacry and Fawcette didn’t confirm RAAM’s appearance in the game, but they did exchange smirks when RAAM was brought up, so it’s possible he may make a cameo appearance at the very least. If RAAM only appears as a cameo, he could appear in the beginning of the game leading the Locust invasion force. However, if RAAM has a more active role in Gears of War: E-Day, he could serve as the final boss, while the first introduction of the lancer chainsaw could demonstrate that the Locust can be defeated and aren’t the unstoppable force they’ll appear to be early on.

gears of war e-day
Gears of War: E-Day

Created in Unreal Engine 5, The Coalition’s Gears of War: E-Day is a prequel set more than a decade before the original game in the series. Marcus Fenix and Dom Santiago take center stage as humanity is attacked by the Locust Horde.

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