Throughout its three pre-release phases—technical test, CBT1, and CBT2—Wuthering Waves underwent significant changes to its gameplay and visuals. Among these revisions, the most notable involved the reimagining of popular Resonators and NPCs. This list introduces seven of the most prominent character revamps since the global launch, sorted from minor to major transformations.


Wuthering Waves: Each Playable Resonator’s Birthday, Rarity, & Class

Wuthering Waves offers a variety of playable characters – also known as Resonators – for players to learn about.

Wuthering Waves has demonstrated a commendable commitment to listening to its fanbase, particularly evident in its approach to character redesigns prompted by feedback during the technical tests and closed beta phases. Here are the most impressive revamped characters in Wuthering Waves thus far.

7 Baizhi (Previously Known as Balian)

Minor Changes, Promising Results

the revamped baizhi in wuthering waves.

  • Element: Glacio
  • Weapon: Rectifier
  • Rarity: 4-Star

Baizhi’s character design underwent gentle adjustments, primarily noticeable in changes to her eye and hair colors. Additionally, her outfit received a slight revamp, now featuring a dress with shorter shorts compared to her earlier technical test appearance. Initially, Baizhi’s tech test look lacked vibrancy, especially in her facial expressions, which didn’t fully convey her personality. However, both the CBT2 and global launch versions have matured in design, reflecting Baizhi’s supportive and kindhearted nature more accurately.

The positive reception from fans to Baizhi’s revamped appearance suggests that her redesign can be considered successful and likely won’t undergo further changes in future updates.

6 Mortefi

Say Goodbye to the Dragon Tail

  • Element: Fusio
  • Weapon: Pistol
  • Rarity: 4-Star

Mortefi underwent significant changes compared to his tech test design. Initially, Mortefi featured prominent mutation features like a dragon tail and dragon scales on his arm and chest. However, this design choice was reverted to a more human-like model, resembling iconic male anime characters rather than a hybrid, sinister creature.

The revamp of Mortefi has been highly successful, reflecting fan feedback that showed disinterest in mutated Resonators, as seen with the backlash against Awu’s Pixiu-inspired design (later renamed Lingyang).

5 Yinlin

Less Gyaru, Yamato Nadeshiko

  • Element: Electro
  • Weapon: Rectifier
  • Rarity: 5-Star

Yinlin’s character design has always been adored by Wuthering Waves fans. Since her introduction to the fandom, she has captured attention and excitement, with some considering her the most attractive Resonator in Solaris-3. However, following the tech test and CBT1, Yinlin’s model underwent a revamp focusing on her face and outfit. Her new appearance better aligns with her master puppeteer persona, featuring an outfit that is less Gyaru—or girly—than her original attire.

Interestingly, the redesigned Yinlin has become one of the most sought-after 5-Star Resonators in the game, closely rivaled by Changli, an upcoming character in Wuthering Waves.

4 Camellya (Chun)

The Mysterious Woman in White

  • Element: N/A
  • Weapon: N/A
  • Rarity: N/A

The original design of Camellya lacked distinctive features, resembling a white-dress variant of Phrolova. However, the revamped model portrays her as a vein-manipulating, enigmatic young woman with an intriguing backstory and a captivating appearance. If there were a ranking of attractiveness among Wuthering Waves characters, the redesigned Camellya would likely rank among the top three.

Despite her extensive redesign and initial appearance as a playable character in the tech test, Camellya’s status as a playable character has not been confirmed. Nevertheless, she remains a prominent name among the rumored upcoming playable characters.

3 Lingyang (Previously Known as Awu)

A Humanized Pixiu

  • Element: Glacio
  • Weapon: Gauntlets
  • Rarity: 5-Star

One of the most drastic redesigns in Wuthering Waves was applied to Awu, who is now known as Lingyang. During the tech test and CBT1, Lingyang was a fully mutated Resonator whose design drew inspiration from creatures like Pixiu in Chinese mythology. He sported white, tiger-like skin with feline facial features that complemented his quirky personality. However, prior to the global launch of Wuthering Waves, Awu underwent a transformation into Lingyang—a mostly human Resonator with the exception of a pair of feline ears.

While many fans agree that Lingyang’s new look is an improvement over Awu, some players have expressed that retaining the original design could have its own merits. They argue that Awu was one of the few visually distinctive characters in Solaris-3 who also contributed to the game’s lore. According to this viewpoint, Awu served as tangible proof of Mutant Resonators, showcasing that certain characters might undergo significant physical transformations over time.

2 Chixia

The Evolution of an Otherwise-Dead Design

  • Element: Fusion
  • Weapon: Pistol
  • Rarity: 4-Star

One of the most impressive character revamps in Wuthering Waves’ post-technical test phase is that of Chixia. In the pre-release version, Chixia appeared as an ordinary Resonator without any distinct features or memorable attributes. Fans often referred to the original Chixia as a “normie” or the least appealing Resonator. Fortunately, the developers took note of these criticisms and completely redesigned Chixia from scratch. The new model of Chixia features a completely revamped personality, outfit, and facial appearance that better aligns with her role as one of the primary Resonators in the story.

1 Verina (Previously Known as Jueyuan)

An Age-Appropriate Revamp

  • Element: Spectro
  • Weapon: Rectifier
  • Rarity: 5-Star

Verina, originally known as Jueyuan during the technical test phase, has undergone the most remarkable revamp in Wuthering Waves’ history thus far. Initially, her design did not reflect her youthful age, featuring an outfit that was considered inappropriate for her character. Furthermore, Verina’s appearance did not align with her role as a supportive Resonator who harbors a passion for botany.

Thanks to consistent feedback from testers and players during the Closed Beta Tests (CBT), Verina received the redesign she deserved. This redesign has solidified Verina’s position as one of the most influential Resonators in Wuthering Waves‘ roster.

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